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Nutritional status, body composition and bone mineral density in gastric bypass females: impact of socioeconomic level

Somatotype, Body Composition, Nutritional State and Physical Condition in People with Visual Impairment Who Practice Goalball

Physiological and physical profile of taekwondo athletes of different age categories during simulated combat.

Hábitos alimentarios y condición física en estudiantes de pedagogía en educación física Eating habits and physical condition of physical education students


Asociación entre estado nutricional y tiempo de actividad física escolar de niños y niñas de 4 a 14 años

Anthropometric Characteristics of Top-Class Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Athletes: Role of Fighting Style

Anthropometric and fitness profile of senior basketball players

Perfil antropométrico y hábitos de actividad física de estudiantes Mapuches de una escuela rural de Temuco, Chile

Can Different Conditioning Activities and Rest Intervals Affect the Acute Performance of Taekwondo Turning Kick?

Consumption of fruits and its association with nutritional status in chilean university students career of physical education

The comparison between food habits and physical condition among physical education and other undergraduate students

Body composition parameters and relationship with the maximal aerobic power in recreational cyclists

Physical and physiological profile of young female taekwondo athletes during simulated combat

Sleep quality, excessive daytime sleepiness and insomnia in chilean paralympic athletes

Somatotype joint mobility and ranges of hip and knee of college students

Changes in nutritional status and its reflection in body composition in Chilean women with metabolic syndrome

Is high-intensity interval training more effective on improving cardiometabolic risk and aerobic capacity than other forms of exercise in overweight and obese youth? A meta-analysis

Patrones alimentarios de ultramaratonistas chilenos

Influence of half-squat intensity and volume on the subsequent countermovement jump and frequency speed of kick test performance in taekwondo athletes

Hábitos alimentarios y volumen de entrenamiento en atletas paralímpicos chilenos


Karate Kumite: How to Optimize Performance ­ Análisis de libro

Effects of multicomponent training on physical fitness in young taekwondo athletes

“Martial Arts and Combat Sports: Science, Research and Culture” hosted by the University of Santiago, Chile (USACH)

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